Tuesday 30 August 2011

Bank Holiday Roast Dinner

This meal is as good as it gets. 
Last week I bought 2 lamb steaks in Asda, reduced to £1.50 - but at 300g in weight seemed too small to feed two of us (I allow at least 200g per person) and, frankly, very greedy for me alone. However, the allowance of meat for a roast is different - don't ask my why but it SEEMS to be more..... The solution was to slice the part-frozen steaks and then roast in a closed casserole dish. Delicious! The-girl-who-came-to-dinner agreed. 
Her contribution was most of the veg: she turned up about a week ago with a bag of potatoes reduced to 38p, and then on Monday with a selection of veg, also marked down to 38p. 
As she pointed out to me: we are lucky that we are able to shop at the times when the bargains go on display - not everyone is that fortunate. The broccoli came from the Co-op - down to 45p from £1.06 for 400g - and I used less than half.

To wash it all down we drank (non-alcoholic) Lime Beer - 29p from Home Bargains. 
As I said, it doesn't get much better!

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