Thursday 1 September 2011

Tagliatelle, Med Veg, Mushrooms & Smoked Haddock

I know I'm going on an awful lot about Frozen Bargains in Old Swan - but some of the ingredients for Tuesday night's supper didn't come from there!

The instructions on the noodles & veg were most confusing: for best results shallow-fry in a little water!
I ignored that and microwaved a couple of handfuls instead, while frying a chopped-up field mushroom (down to 75p for 4 in the Co-ey) in a little butter and oil with a teaspoonful of chopped garlic (Frozen Bargains) and a diced smoked haddock fillet (reduced at either Asda or the Co-ey and frozen a couple of weeks ago).

I added flour to make a roux and stirred in some milk, added a tsp of tomato purée and some S+P, before folding in the warm tagliatelle and Mediterranean vegetables.

To finish, I grated over the top some mature cheddar (£4.39 for 350g in a bogof offer at the Co-op).
Buon appetito!

(Oh, and the pasta bowl was in the TJ Hughes closing-down sale!)

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